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Pigeon grit

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Went to pick up 25 KG bag of grit for our small shoot yesterday. Came away with "pigeon grit" which is blended with minerals and has aniseed added. It was only £2 a bag more so if it helps hold a few birds then it's money well spent.


Just wondered if anyone else uses it??

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Grit is essential for proper function of the gullet and in turn proper or complete digestion, especially when the birds are eating cereals like wheat. If you don't provide grit the birds will look / find it from the floor, which might not be ideal in a stocked release pen.

My thoughts have always been why risk increased gut bacteria by making the birds scratch around for it in what could be an infested medium? We mix grit in at a rate of 1 25kg bag per ton wheat, and a handfull per bag of pellet, it's not essential for the pellet but the birds will still look for it regardless.

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Quite rite u are too Paul, all cerial eating birds need grit to aid in digestion pro biotic yoghurt natural on corn helps the gut flora aswell

if you medicaly treat your poults a soluble vit mineral and trace ellements solution to drink for three days after 3 days normal water again . It just gives the birds a little pick me up and replaces any thing they lost with stress of being ill.

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