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Problem Crows


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My friends have two crows that have been attacking their windows of the house for the best part of a month now.


Start at about 5 and go for an hour or so. I have been out to the house and seen where they roost etc but as once you walk up off they go and watch from far away fence post.


Any ideas in how to combat this? Maybe get to the house before first light and wait for them to fly over as i lie in wait with the shotgun?


The house is rural with another neighbour next door encountering the same problem.



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You know what time they show up, so I would suggest that if you get there in good time as you say, and shoot them a couple of days on the trot, even if you don't manage to kill them 100% you will probably break the habit.


In other words if you don't get the opportunity for a shot, stay hidden and let one off as they sail in for the windows, to scare them. I expect the neighbour will be sympathetic but tell him first !!

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We had two that used to peck on the window at first light i sat up one night and had the door unlocked and waited they landed on the fence and the first one flew onto the window cill i opened the door and shot the first one and the second one never came back happy days

Edited by mark@mbb
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My friend had this on his farm a couple of years ago, i think they could see their reflection in the window - young birds and always the same window at the same time of day (early morning), so sunlight was in same place.


When disturbed they flew back to a wood about 500 yds away, went for a look found a crows nest, just hung around for a morning, and shot 3 with the 20 bore - job done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is in my understanding. However these crow are not attacking the windows 24 hours a day so the rest of the time they will be clearing out nests and eating crops and s******* every where.


Under the general licence the birds do not have to be causing damage at the time that they are shot.


So shoot them I say :)

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