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Need help with bad scope creep


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I have a Webley Victor that is suffering from really bad scope creep.


I have bought a mount with two screws per leg but this hasn't helped at all.


The mount also has a locating pin which if I could drill the gun, I could fit. But what I need to know is can I drill a small hole between the rails or not. Is there enough metal for this, and if not, what is my course of action.


Can the rails be cut deeper so the mount has more bite?


It's a lovely gun but I just can't use it.


thanks for your help,




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epoxy one of the mounts on it :drool:


Tried Epoxy before, no joy.


Had a play last night and had trouble even getting the mounts on the almost non-existant rails.


Think it's time to drop it into a gun shop, or get a replacement body as it is badly pitted with rust inside and seen better days outside.


Had a long history this gun. Bought it for £2.50 and a packet of Polos from a friend at school. Then spent many years shooting rabbits and pigeons with it, then gave it to my Grandad as he had pigeon problems, and when he died I got it back, slightly worse for wear. Which was unlike him as I always remember him being very particular about looking after his tools when I was young.


I stripped it and sanded the stock completely down then oiled it. This took months as I did a bit every night taking my time (hence the disappointment with the blueing I did) The stock looks fab though.


Now, I want to get it back into prime condition and pass it down to my kids as the oldest boy is now 8 and needs to start shooting.






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If the dovetails are worn or non existant, short of welding or bolting the mount to the rifle, nothing will cure it. Best bet is to get the dovetails addressed by a smith. I was donated a chinese junker that had a similar problem, no matter what I tried I could not get the mount to sette, infact at one point, the cope came away after onel shot.


I would also check that the worn dovetails havent damaged the blades on your mount as this will also contribute to poor grip.

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Try jsramsbottom.com.

Or Ebay. :drool:





just bought a 1 piece mount from jsramsbottom.com. Also bought a tin of Eley Wasps, been ages since I shot them. Way better than the mush I am using just now.


Thanks for all your help.


Will report back with the results.







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