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New Gun


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I am looking to buy my first gun and the money is burning a hole my pocket, the gun I have been using at the club I have been going to is a Beretta 686 sporter with ejectors, multi choke and 30" barrels (forgive the ignorance if they all have this as I am new to the shooting world with limited experience) which seems to suit me and if possible I would like to get something similar I have a budget of £600-£700 so am I being a bit to optimistic or should I be able to get something for this amount of money?

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I have this for sale if it's of any interest




I've shot brilliantly with it on clays 43/50 being my best. I'll let other's give any opinions on whether or not it'll be any good to you as I would just be seen as biased. It's a lovely gun to shoot.

Edited by Dannydp
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