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With a budget of £500 you are not going to find a nice aya No 2. No 4 is a boxlock ejector No3 aboxlock non ejector both within you budget but you are paying a premium for the name. In my opinion laurona's equivalent boxlock is just a good, barrels are chrome steel as aya No 1 sidelock. You might find a Laurona 502 sidelock in your budget but spend a long time looking. Gunmark are either Gorosable (not Garbi ) available in boxlock and sidelock latter being harder to find. The gunmark Royals is an Arrieta and too expensive for your budget. Another make not mentioned is Sarasqueta again boxlock and sidelock based on Çhurchill design. Unfortunately they favoured 26" barrels so if you want 28" you might struggle. Good luck.

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My old man has got an arrieta crown (silver?) sable sidelock, I don't know much about it really but are they worth much?. He doesn't use it much so I'll see if he'd consider selling.

Is it definitely an Arrieta or a silver sable? If latter it will have pg makers code and if former ac in a circle. If it is an Arrieta depending on condition I would say between £1/2000

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I've just looked again at my old mans shotgun. It's an arrieta crown sabel. It's a sidelock ejector, in reasonable condition. The opening lever is slightly right, it closes nice and tight and the bores are spotless. Unfortunately though, he doesn't want to sell it!

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