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Itchy dog & Apoquel


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We have a French Bulldog bitch, she is 4 years old and a couple of years ago developed an itchy skin, whether it is an allergy or something else has never been determined.


After forking out hundreds of pounds on steroids and antibiotics, when skin is inflammed, and her ears and pads get bacterial infections, I asked Vet for a long term solution.


So, another £600 over the past 6 weeks to do skin scrapes, blood tests, urine and other tests, all came back negative. Except for bacterial infection in ears and pads, which I already knew.


Not very happy with them, after complaining about the amount of money I have spent they have finally put her on Apoquel, which I read about in one of the Shooting mags.


I was told this drug is not freely available due to the high demand and success rate.


What a difference, only been on it 24 hours and stopped scratching, rubbing her back side on floor and frantcally biting her pads, early days yet but seems to work.


Not cheap at £40 per month but will see if insurance will cover costs. Hopefully will get cheaper in the coming months.


Insurance not paid out for most of her treatment, keep making excuses, not heard yet if I will get my £600 back.

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We had this problem with our terrier. Not tried Apoquel yet. We were on Steroid creams and allsorts from the vet for his skin and ears. Don't like the idea of long term steroids, so tried Zambuk cream as it has always had pretty good results on healing and nothing in it to cause problems if licked off. It cleared his skin and ears when they showed raw or scabby. This is only a treatment though, not a cure.


We are trying out eliminating any wheat from his diet. He is on Skinners Duck and Rice and I shampoo him once a month in Wahl Aloe soothe dog shampoo in luke warm water with a cool rinse to keep his skin clean . No dog biscuits, bread or anything else with wheat in it. So far he is improving a lot. Been on this regime about 3 months and the hair is growing back too. :)

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No it has never been on his face and is mostly around the joints and under the denser hair on his sides and back in small areas.

Never that bad just annoying as Our Mini Pinscher would lick at him and make it worse. The Zambuk cured that as the little beggar didn't like the taste. We always used to worry about the consumption of the steroid cream. :/

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What food is the dog on iv read about dogs that have had skin problems due to the dry biscuit and they have changed the dogs diet to raw meat and bone and it helped it or completely cleared it up might be worth a go to try a raw diet my bull dogs on raw

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