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What do they do with the guns from Firearms Amnesty?


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Over the years I've seen loads of really nice shotguns chopped up. I did offer to buy one but was refused. Basically my force would rather chop it up than risk the gun being used in crime at a later date. Could you imagine the backlash if a surrenderd firearm was used in a robbery or murder?

The force armourer has the discretion to save a firearm if it will be good for training purposes but it's usually only one of a type. This is so that firearms officers can be shown how to make them safe.

Also what better way of disposing of a load of surrenderd .303 that to feed it into a Bren gun on a range day.

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Cant say about firearms but other bits and bobs i.e. Recovered TV's & Videos were sold at auction and the money raised was often distributed within the community. The community i worked in Mid Wales back in the 90's were given £500 for a community bus education/youth project from the local police after a sale of unclaimed goods.



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