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Beretta 303 question


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Hi all 303 owners, i just picked up a 303 field and was having a discussion with a friend as his 302 has the gas port circlip on the inside where mine (and all beretta schematics) have it on the outside although a very reputable gunsmith put it in that way for him, i noticed on the schematic that there is a spring on the drawing that goes over the end where mine does not have this, also i remember a 303 i used to own had the spring too, (although I may be imagining this) can any 303 owners please tell me


1. where is the circlip


2. does yours have a spring




heres a pic i found on the web clearly showing the circlip on either side? ???? the one on the right is not castelated i appreciate but the one next to it is like the one on the left which is the same as mine


mine has a replacement barrel from a Browning B80 which is pretty much the same gun as beretta made the parts and my barrel is stamped PB for Beretta





Edited by sishyplops
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Thanks chaps, im getting confused about the spring I think, it may have been on my AL390 or 391, ive had so many beretta autos lol


My mate has since changed his circlip back round to the way it was (first pic) it was done by a very highly reputable gunsmith in Halesworth suffolk, however it worked fine , and continues to do so, so i guess they work either way round


I appreciate all your replies



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