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Rough shoot day.

Fat bloke

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Hi all.

Ok, never been on a rough shoot before and have booked a place on one over the coming festive season.

Is it considered bad sport to take a less challenging shot on this type of shoot compared to a driven day considering I'm assuming that some may lift close to the guns.

Would like add that this is not a big bag day, so don't want to look a Charlie.

On the other hand, may be a small bag day as the numbers aren't present!

Grateful for any advise.



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If you're paying for the day your host will/should explain all to you, and what is expected from the day and from you, including whether ground game is allowed etc. If it's a true rough (walked up) shoot then most of the birds will be going away from you, even those which get up behind you, so take something hard hitting; even quartering birds need hitting hard. How far you let them 'get away' before shooting is entirely up to you.

Other than that, just enjoy yourself.

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