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Sue the Rifle Maker!


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I get the point that they are making the gun was designed and made for use by the military I do not understand why people should have them if you want to go hunting by a hunting rifle or a target gun for shooting paper for birds or clays shotguns if people want to shoot automatic guns they could keep some for hire at shooting ranges but what do I no I just look at things logically.

Don't you mean semi-automatic guns since most guns in America are like that and not automatic. I guess you don't know as much as you think you do. There is no good reason for owning a gun under the second amendment stop trying to think of American gun ownership from a British point of view. A view where we are so over regulated that it's a wonder we still have any guns left.

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The problem is they are as you said hurting and wanting to blame anyone they can just to get some "closure". Unfortunately they will not look at the elephant in the room and that is that a good guy with a gun is 99% of the time the only one who stops the bad guy with the gun. Other more freedom oriented states get it that is why they are employing armed guards at school and even allowing techers to carry concealed on school property.


Liberal states like Connecticut will undoubtely have more mass shootings until something is done in this regard, meanwhile the anti-gunners will literally campaign standing on the bodies of dead children not because they care about the little lives lost but because it furthers thier anti-gun anti freedom agenda.

Youre trying to convince the wrong person here. I have no doubt the seed of closure has been planted in the collective minds of the grieving parents by an outside influence in this case, an outside influence that may stand to make monetary gain from this perhaps? Surely It was only a matter of time before someone suggested the parents should sue.
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Don't you mean semi-automatic guns since most guns in America are like that and not automatic. I guess you don't know as much as you think you do. There is no good reason for owning a gun under the second amendment stop trying to think of American gun ownership from a British point of view. A view where we are so over regulated that it's a wonder we still have any guns left.

I was not just thinking about America I am just thinking the best tool for the job if you want to put a screw in its best to use a screw driver you could use a hammer but what is the point so if you want to go hunting it makes sense to me to use a gun that is made to do the job not a AK47 not that the AK would not do it but a good hunting rifle with telescopic sights would do it so much nicer and you look like a hunter not a woodbe rambo and I do no the that most of the guns are semi-autos I was just making a point.

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