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Pigeon Behaviour


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Do pigeons follow any sort of pattern with regards to their activity through the day?


I noticed yesterday early morning when I was out walking my dog 7.30 - 8am lots of activity with birds flying around. Popped out yesterday afternoon for a few hours between 1 and 3pm and saw very few pigeons flying. I managed to spot various pigeons in small groups roosting in trees though. Again driving today I noticed quite a few pigeons in trees at around lunchtime.


Do they tend to feed early morning then rest for several hours or am I talking bullish*t?


Also does the weather have an effect on their activity?

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Pigeons do follow a pattern....they, all over the country tend to follow the same BASIC pattern...BUT it can be area specific...there are anomolies....which may be caused by


  1. weather
  2. temp
  3. natural food about
  4. crops that are edible ..now
  5. harvested areas
  6. number of houses about...feeding birds
  7. wind direction


when you add all this into the mix ...it gets complicated.................that is why you havnt had any replies to your post..............




watch your area ...and get to know the habits and times you see the birds..................whatever they are there will be differences to everywhere else



best of luck



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As a general observation (and all generalisations are wrong); pigeons I shoot seem to feed strongly in the morning and roost for a while then feed less strongly (possibly) in the afternoon, before going to roost. I would also add to the excellent post above - how much food they have managed to find and eat in the last few morning hours.

Birds which are hungry (snow) will seemingly eat until almost dark. I have shot them over turnips (everything else covered and invisible) and they just kept coming even when I was dropping birds in front of them. On that occasion I didnt shoot too many and let them feed for a couple of hours as I left early - well they were fodder turnips.

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Something I have noticed , from the roost first thing in the morning, when they are well rested and bodyweight is light (crops empty etc,) they will normally leave the roost in an upwind direction, flying against the wind to reach feeding grounds, once the crops are full and they are feeling a little tired from all that pecking and walking around its easy for them to have the wind assist them back to the roost, Ive watched them for months from a huge roost at the back of my house ( which sadly I cannot shoot ), and apart from calm days they always follow the same pattern, I have two large fields to the north east of the roost, so if the wind is from that direction I try to get into the hide at daybreak to intercept them on their way out, a good blow keeps them low, down below the tree line to avoid the worst of the wind, so I always set up with the wind at my back so they come straight towards me , most days I dont even put out decoys as they always follow the same route. the more you watch them, the more you learn, best of luck. :good::good:

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