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Shot of the season


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A very nice teal at around Fifty to fifty five yards with 36g of 1 shot Eley lightening with my new Beretta A300 Xtrema on the marsh, witnessed and picked up by my friends dog as he was on the right side of the water.


I am sorry figgy but I am not going to take your mates dogs word for it :lol:

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Not necessarily the longest or trickiest shot but on a fill-in drive where all 20 guns surrounded a big pit/cover crop one lonely red leg popped out of cover heading initially straight at me but then turned away leaving me with a possible shot through a 10-15ft gap in a high hedge. Bird was a comfortable 30yds out but only a split second to take shot. Gun next to me didn't see it (our shoot captain) and was surprised to see me pick the bird behind him! Last bird of the season for me on our shoot and last and only one that day so a good feeling as I drove home.

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Two shots stand out in my mind so far this season. A mate and i were flighting a large flash 100 yards apart. At dusk a single mallard lifted off a roosting pond 400 yards off and just kept climbing. Normaly I would have left it in the hopes it would circle the flash and come in , but there was noway this duck was stopping. It passed a shade over 50 yards up and a little wide and a gamebore 36 gr load of number 3 killed it stone dead and it fell almost at the foot of my mate. And who says steel cant kill!


The second chance was a month later with a pair of pinks at dawn. I was sitting on the bank of the dyke when they came over 30 yards up at just the perfect angle. The first goose almost flattened the dog in my hide and the second , now a good 50 yards off fell like a stone onto the grass. Maybe not the most difficult shots , but the birds were at just the right angle and range and I knew they were both mine before I pulled the trigger. Very rewarding and satisfing.

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