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work experience for college


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im doing an ND in countryside managment and part of the course i need to do 400 hours work experience, just wandering if there is anyone on the forum in teh devon or surrey area that can help me, preferably devon, but can make surrey work. can be anythign countrside related really, but must be for someone else, cant do some work for me self and use that.

i also offer free pest control :huh:





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A good friend of mine run's a game farm, he is looking for people to help him out as his business is growing at a rapid rate.


There would almost definitely be some shooting in it during the season as a bonus.


Pm if it sounds like it might be up your street, is it a paid position that you need?


Take care,



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A good friend of mine run's a game farm, he is looking for people to help him out as his business is growing at a rapid rate.


There would almost definitely be some shooting in it during the season as a bonus.


Pm if it sounds like it might be up your street, is it a paid position that you need?


Take care,




There you go Flash, great opertunity there for you, good man Mark :D :blink:

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A good friend of mine run's a game farm, he is looking for people to help him out as his business is growing at a rapid rate.


There would almost definitely be some shooting in it during the season as a bonus.


Pm if it sounds like it might be up your street, is it a paid position that you need?


Take care,



nice offer mark, very kind of you! :D

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i also know of a game farmer in devon rearing pheasents that might have some work on over the summer if you want, it will probs be form june onwards, i dunno if thats too late? doing 16 hour days so u will soon get ur 400 done quickly :/


i think in fact last year when i worked for him he had a couple of guys doing the same sort of course that you are doing.




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sorry it didnt come off for you Flash, i forgot to ask the name of the student who beat us to it, what did you say your pal is called again?


I can vouch for the hours, they are mad, several of the chaps live on site in caravans 24/7 ..... 250,000 birds take some looking after!


Good luck!

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alright mate, well i will get back to you once i have found out more,


Hot-shot is this game farm ur talking about in devon around the exeter area? sounds a bit like the one im on about, he also had a on site caravan with several chaps in it, dunno if this is the norm for game farmers

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