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My oldest who lives in California, dropped in to visit for a week, so knowing he is keen on a bit of shooting I arranged some clay bashing on Sunday to get his eye in , then out on the pigeons , the clays went well and we were reasonably pleased with the results, so Monday we were out early ,set up and ready for them by 10.00, but they didn't show, we sat in the hide until around 3.00 pm with nothing but one old rook to show for the time, from that disappointment we decided to have another go on Thursday, same place as its normally a very productive area, as we moved up the field a flock of 2 to 300 flew over us , very high but at least it showed they were about, we set up in a slightly different place to make the best of the wind direction and natural cover, full decoy pattern with magnet and flappers, and waited, for several hours we only saw a handful of birds , one or two came in low affording a shot , we ended the day with two, so frozen and fed up we gave up . We had a laugh, did some father son bonding, but I was so sorry not to have found him something to shoot at, he works really long hours and gets very little time off, so I wanted to do the best I could for him but it wasn't to be, He heads off to Poland on Sunday for a few weeks work then back to the states, I might talk him into having one more go tomorrow afternoon but we are short of time and I dont hold out much hope of finding them, and his mother wants to spend more time with him, pity she dosn't shoot as well !, with no rape or feed crop to shoot over its a real problem finding somewhere that will bring them in, role on summer, at least it will be warmer. :no::no:

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