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Advice needed with Cocker severe skin allergy.


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Hi, a friend's Cocker was shampooed, by a well meaning family member dog sitter, with Head and Shoulders shampoo and has been very ill ever since...vets bills totalling £1000 so far, they thought it was menngitis but more like a severe immune reaction they think. Steroids and anti biotics constantly given to control red raw patches all over body. I have suggested Hibiscrub, raw organic foods as a start. They have tried Manuka honey too. Any ideas, experience of similar? Any advice would be greatly appreciated to help a much loved pet. Cheers.

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my spaniel has had a severe spell of itching which I tried everything for. A woman who has horses and spaniels said that she had the same problem with the dogs. She had used Hibiscrub diluted 3 to 1 with water and that she had been to Tesco and got antihistamine tablets for hayfever. They are about £1 a box. I gave them 1 a day in the food to my spaniel and in a couple of days the itching stopped. This might be worth a try. One of the girls has a westy with some sort of skin problem. I will ask her what she has been using and let you know. She has spent a lot of money at the vets without much success and the last thing I heard about it was that she had found some sort of ointment that seemed to be helping.

Edited by fortune
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Right. I've spoken with daughter about her Westyies skin problem and after a skin biopsy thingy it was found that the dog had a mite problem called >>>Demodex. I think she said that something called Maleseb was prescribed and another thing like front line was being used and some sort of antiseptic shampoo that had to be left on for ten minutes. God only knows how much all of the vet’s bills have been. Her dogs are treated better than I am. I know that your dog has had problems since being washed so this info of mine is probably completely different. I offer it as a general skin problem that may have a bearing on your problem. Not necessarily the same thing.


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One thing I have found works with Rollo in between steroid creams is to treat raw patches with Zambuk ointment by Rose & Co and to put a cotton t shirt type dog vest on him to stop him and the other dogs licking at it while it heals. I altered some larger type baby vests for him by removing the tummy side of the poppers and hemming them up, but a cocker will probably be to big for that. The dog shirts below might work as it breaks the cycle of them chewing at the irritation and gives it chance to heal.


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