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Beretta A300 barrel seating


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A question for any A300 Outlander owners out there.


I have noticed that when seated the barrel rib doesn't squarely marry up with the rib groove in the receiver, it is off by a couple of mm. It's pointing squarely in the right direction as far as I can tell and appears to shoot straight (or at least as straight as I do), it just seems to be twisted slightly clockwise.


It's hard to explain so I've taken a few photos which can be viewed here: http://imgur.com/a/BlV7K


It really is probably a tiny thing, and is probably completely normal, but if not then I'd rather know now than when the warranty expires.


I also reserve the right to blame this for every miss I have ever had (including those whilst using a different gun).

Edited by DeepThought
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Guest stevo

sorry I commented before I saw the pic , its not a problem , but if your not happy send it back to GMK , if its new your within your right mate

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Thanks for the replies, I'm still not sure what, if anything, I'll do. Looking at the way the barrel is machined, and the way the barrel seating is secured inside the receiver, I can't see any way that it could go together any differently.


Hopefully another owner will be able to let me know if this is normal though, if not then it's definitely going back.

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Thanks for the replies, I'm still not sure what, if anything, I'll do. Looking at the way the barrel is machined, and the way the barrel seating is secured inside the receiver, I can't see any way that it could go together any differently.


Hopefully another owner will be able to let me know if this is normal though, if not then it's definitely going back.

No its not normal my outlander barrel sits centre

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