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American Horror Story


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If anyone likes their horror gory then can recommend this.

Daughter found it on Netflix; well worth a look but you have to watch it as it can get more than a little confusing otherwise. I've just been dipping in and out much to daughters annoyance......'thought she was dead?' ' SHE IS DAD, SHE'S A BLOODY GHOST!' 'Oh...sorry'

Anyhow, some well known faces and some big names such as Jessica Lange and Cathy Bates, and some rather nice ladies. :yes: Most definitely not for the younger viewer though. Far too much bloody violence and sex.

They all jump about between the past and present, but first series is set in the present day in a haunted house, second in a loony bin with Ian McShane as a maniac Santa, and third in Salem concerning witchcraft.

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