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Is it ok to !!!


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Got my new CZ rimfire now, so is it ok to leave the rounds in the magazine (out of the gun and safe), or is it best to take them out in case it weakens/damages the spring?


Also, what is the price of a spare 5 round magazine?


Also, when you store the bolt seperate away from the gun, is it ok to store the magazine with the bolt, or store gun, magazine and bolt all seperate for safety?

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Got my new CZ rimfire now, so is it ok to leave the rounds in the magazine (out of the gun and safe), or is it best to take them out in case it weakens/damages the spring?


IMHO it would depend how long it between hunts, when I am out quite a bit I leave them in, if I know it will be while I take them all out. I have never had any problems


Also, what is the price of a spare 5 round magazine?


Not sure, but 10 shot mags are about £27


Also, when you store the bolt seperate away from the gun, is it ok to store the magazine with the bolt.


Yes that is fine, as long as they are away from the gun, you don't need to do anymore, and ther is less chance of you getting to your hunting ground without your bolt :/

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My advice would be not to leave any live rounds in any magazine.

The reason is simple; in a rush to put your gun into its slip, you may inadvertently load a full mag into the gun. You are then travelling along with a full mag but may not realise, or may have forgotten that it is full.

Then when you get to the range or farm you may just idly push the bolt forward and pull the trigger……………….. :/


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I am sure that i have read somewhere that if you have rounds in the mag apart from when you are on your shooting permission, they can charge you with intent to Poaching, Now the mag doe's not need to be in the rifle, but loaded with ammo.


So i would always unload your mag, it also helps with SAFETY as GM has said :/




A Firearm is deemed to be loaded if ammunition is in either the chamber, or magazine from where it is capable of being fed into the chamber.


So if stopped and the Police were to be awkward it would be alot of hassle, so keep your rounds out of the mag until you are out on your permission :lol:

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:/ the only reason i keep rounds in the mag is so i can get up a running quickly,iam also i to much of a hurry to load the mag in the field or should that be (lazy) but from now on all my mags for safety reason and to keep myself above the law will be stored empty,thanks for the sound advice chaps :lol:
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