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Booster time

darren m

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hi lads -- my labs up todate on jabs , but my collie as lasped by 2 months :/ , will i need the full nocs again or just the booster for her .


Also who has the yearly jabs and who does,nt , whats your opinion on them ( needed or not )












Have a look here http://www.canine-health-concern.org.uk/




Click on Vaccine

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My spaniel has the yearly jabs and is always kept up to date with worming and flea and tick spot on.


With all that they go through I believe they need the added protection. There has also been a local case of suspected parvovirus and the local vets (not the one I use) has recomended ensuring up to date vaccinations.

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madspringer -- thats interesting reading , sure looks like its not the best thing to do from that , often wondered if it was nesscery ,

not sure what to do know , suppose i,ll just ask for the booster.


mad -- do you e-noc your lot and boosters regular




martin -- good point they do go through alot , picking up dead animals etc , eating fox **** :/

but what about the none working dogs .


also where does parvovirus come from exactley .

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sorry to hijack the thread a little but having read the linky to canine health concern i was wondering what peoples opinions of this 'processed food is bad' 'natural diet is better' thinking?


Does anyone feed there dogs on a diet similar to those recomended in the link? Or are these just the 'tree huggers' of the pet world :oops:

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Jabs are an interesting debate, i've a relative who works for Pfizer who manufacture a lot of the vacines and used to work for Fort Dodge who manufacture most of the rest. From the research they do it seems most dogs would be fine for Bi-annual vaccinations but of course they don't tell anyone this and neither do most vets and why would they when the vacine costs less than £4 a pop and they market it on for £30 or more :oops:

we do ours about every 2 years mostly because of the Lepto risk especially as ours are terriers and I don't like to do them much more than necessary because you'd be surprised about the number of adverse reactions to the vaccine that happen, The most important are the initial jabs then you have to do what you see fit.

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I have my dogs jabbed up until 2 year old, they will then be jabbed again for one of the following:-



Stud dogs are kept up to date. Owners of bitches should always ask if they are, plus I make sure the bitches are up to date also.


If a bitch is to have a litter


If there is a report of Parvo in the local area I would consider it for piece of mind.



Had a good chat with a vet over this issue a few years back and asked him to be totally honest.


Basically said that after the initial jabs and the first annual booster, the jab had no added bonus for a good healthy dog as they will have a sound effective immune system. Of course vets will advise annual boosters as a precaution plus for a lot of vets this is part of their bread and butter work.


As has been mentioned the whole subject generates some interesting debate, all I can suggest is that you read up on the subject before making a decision.






If you are considering switching to a natural diet (BARF) read a few good books before doing so. You have to be committed to it and make sure you are covering all the dogs requirements. Feeding time isn’t a 2 min job. A book to get you started can be found here http://www.crosskeysbooks.com/product_info.php?products_id=378





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