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Europe at it again


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If i read it corrently they simply want to change the NAME of the measurement from 12g to 20.65mm


The gun it's self will still use the same cartridges they will only be marked up in metric instead of imperial.


There is nothing saying they can't put 12g AND 20.65mm on the same box to clear up the confusion!


I still ask for a pound of fish and a quarter of sweets and often ask for the 4 pint carton of milk. I don't think it is anything HUGE to worry about.


True we may think Europe poke their nose in far to often but with B Liar signing us over lock stock and barrel very soon we won't even have a say in the matter :/



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The gun it's self will still use the same cartridges they will only be marked up in metric instead of imperial.


There is nothing saying they can't put 12g AND 20.65mm on the same box to clear up the confusion! :/




"EU derogations allowing individual member states to use “supplementary indicators†(for example, non-metric units) cease in 2009"


We'll not be able to put both measurements on the box.

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The British electorate seem to have this mental disability to think logically on voting day. I'm all for the Union but if Labour get in again maybe independence wouldn't be such a bad thing for Scotland :/


The sooner we get out of Europe the better - its tearing the country to pieces - fishing/agriculture/common sense



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