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Second Hand Shotgun Checklist/Buyers Guide


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Hi All


I am looking at buying my first shotgun, I have tried a few, chosen a make and model that I like shooting the most and fits my budget. I am going to go for a Lanber Sporting.


I am looking at some guns that are for sale privately and wondered if any one had or could give a checklist of the things I should be looking at? Any specific areas to check or beware of? Any red flags when looking at a second handgun?


I am sure to many this will be obvious but to someone buying their first gun any pointers would be gratefully received.






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Pitting and/or corrosion within or on the outside of the barrels or the chamber.


Splits/cracks in woodwork.


Chokes - are they seized in?


Checking that it goes bang if you possibly can.


Does the safety work and does it change to the second barrel after the first has fired (dry-fire the first barrel onto a snap-cap and give the butt a sharp tap if it's inertia driven)


Firing pins clean and not corroded?


I'm sure there are plenty of other things to look out for (serial numbers and suchlike) but if it looks clean, it IS clean and it goes bang properly that's pretty much it.

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Lanbers are fairly trouble free and it's worth asking the dealer for a warranty. Even if it's only for 3 months it at least shows the dealer has confidence in the gun.


Lanber sporters tend to be owned by casual/leisure shooters and are unlikely to be heavily worn. There are people shooting 15K rounds per year - or even more - but they don't shoot Lanbers so the things to check are mostly visual such as the condition of the bores or any scoring on the breech sides. Also it should open and close without feeling shaky or rattly. If the woodwork or the blueing looks battered or scratched or generally uncared for then there's a good chance it won't have been well maintained in other ways such as cleaning and lubing.


Ideally try and get someone with experience to go along with you.

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Hi All


I am looking at buying my first shotgun, I have tried a few, chosen a make and model that I like shooting the most and fits my budget. I am going to go for a Lanber Sporting.


I am looking at some guns that are for sale privately and wondered if any one had or could give a checklist of the things I should be looking at? Any specific areas to check or beware of? Any red flags when looking at a second handgun?


I am sure to many this will be obvious but to someone buying their first gun any pointers would be gratefully received.



I've bought 2 second hand Lanbers in the last month. Everything Flynn above mentioned, I also took along snapcaps, tested the selector/ejectors worked etc. (after asking the owners permission to use them in their house). To give you an idea of price, I bought my first from a dealer for £375 (no safety catch) liked it so much, I bought a second as a 'lender' privately for £230 (both came with gunslips, all chokes etc.) Both work without a fault, have put around 500 carts through the first one so far, hasn't missed a beat. Enjoy!

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There are so many things to look out for that it is very difficult to give a comprehensive list .It is advisable to have some one with a little more experience with you if possible .Lanbers have for the most part been reasonably reliable but age ,usage and abuse will have there toll . Advisable to gen up on the proof date stamps as older guns will have probably had more use , but not always and spares should they be needed are more difficult to get as the model has been through numerous changes over the years . Like most things if it looks original ,clean and tidy and does not rattle or sound like a farm gate when closing slowly then you are on the right track .All the advise given by previous posters is sound and should be considered . If buying privately ask if the sell would object to you having the gun vetted by a gunsmith .

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Thanks for the replies all very helpful. Its a 10 year old lanber sporting delux, with whats described as light use (i know they all say that), same owner from new so i would expect it to be in very good condition. I will go an have a look and see whats its like, any doubts at all i will walk away. I f looks decent I will request a once over from local gunsmith.

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