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Canon Powershot G10


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Have a small Canon Powershot SX220 HS which isn't abad little camera, but mate has a G10 he no longer uses which I am currently playing with.

It has RAW / jpeg facility but not HDR as far as I'm aware; the SX220 has none of these. Anyone have or had this camera? Opinions would be appreciated.


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Had a g9 for underwater and some topside. The g10 was a lightly updated version. They are a bit dated now, 5 generations old i think, but good for good light and fair in low light. The macro on the g series is great, not far off a dslr and macro lens. The aperture is a bit slow, especially in the long end and they are chnk cameras to carry around.


If it is free then it is a great upgrade. If not, then check the used market and consider the s series of the same vintage. Faster lens, same sensor, much smaller size and weight.




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I have had one since they launched it. Brilliant under rated camera. Yes more recent versions have better features and improved sensors, but there is nothing wrong with the G10 ;-) Its the person behind the camera that makes the difference, not the new gimmick's inside it ;-)

If its a fair price its well worth it.

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