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Unwanted Advertising on IPad


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Yesterday I was searching on my PC for showers, vanity units etc for a new shower room.

This morning on my IPad while looking at PW all the products that I have been viewing on my PC with one company now appear as a sort of strap line at the bottom of the screen. Photo's, company name etc.

I presume something similar will be on my PC.

Quite an invasion which I find extremely annoying.

Is this beyond my control or can I stop it happening? Advice welcomed. Thanks.

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It's the nature of online advertising these days. In all honesty, it's a very clever way of delivering adverts which are truly relevant to your shopping interests.


Deleting your cookies will do nothing but log you out of all your services and stop the tailored adverts for a few days, until you shop again. I don't advise doing this.



To stop this happening on an iPhone/iPad, you will need to change your settings to:


'Do Not Track' to 'On' in Settings>Safari


Settings>Privacy>Advertising>"Limit Ad tracking"


and 'Reset Advertising Identifier'


You will still see adverts in all the places you did before. However now they will be generic and not driven to your taste or shopping styles.




To fix the advertising on your PC. Install the AdBlock Plus browser extension and enjoy advert free browsing.



Edited by Billy.
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