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Should I Join?


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Hello all,


I have made contact with a local wild fowling club and not too sure if I should join.


I am currently shooting my air rifle on "Pete's Air-gun Farm" for £10 a day, and have BASA insurance (£30 a year)


I have got my SG license on the way and relies I need BASC insurance now.


The club is offering multiple grounds to shoot including 500 acres 3 miles down the road from me.


The fee's are £100 joining and £180 a year, this also includes BASC.


This all sounds too good to be true, What do you think?


Or even better, is anybody a member of this club in Canvey Island?

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The ideal situation is to find someone who is a member and ask them what it is like.

Your local gunshops may be able to help, they usually know whats going on.


Alternatively,use the economics argument.

£280 per year, or £30 BASC fee and £10 per day .


On that basis its got to be worth joining for at least one year and sussing it out.

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in answer to your question, yes! it is not too good to be true, it seems pretty typical of what alot of wildfowling clubs have to offer.


There are two most likely outcomes, you will drop out after a year deciding wildfowling is too cold, wet, muddy and requires getting up at silly o'clock and is basically hard work to master.....


Or, you will have become totally addicted to the challenge of hunting wild birds in wild places and wonder to yourself, why don't more people struggling to find shooting do this??

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Like the others have said, speak to your local gun shop and find out. They are normally a good source of info. (Too many shooting folk blethering away for hours)


Wildfowling is great, I used to do it on the Tay & Eden about 15 years ago. Cold and wet but I still remember the hairs on the back of my neck going up as the geese start calling.



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A guy on my syndicate was the chairman (I think) of the Canvey Island Wildfowlers and he had been a member for some years unitl he resigned his position due to moving home up here to Suffolk recently. In the short time I've known him he reckons it is a cracking bit of land(s) to shoot over mostly rough shooting with some pigeons and I believe they have 2 or 3 flight ponds as well as the marsh/foreshore to shoot over.


If anything, the amount of money sounds good and includes your BASC insurance to boot.


SS :)

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