kent Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 I know i want one but am waiting for 4-12x50 subsonic reticle. I take it you have the 3-9x50 subsonic reticle. How well do they work? How accurate are they at the different yardage points?? In all honesty such things are largely a waste of time that give people unrealistic confidence past their true abilities. You see its like this Drop is far from the full story once you push ranges you have Wind (approx. 4" at 100 yards 10mph at FV, does the shooter know how / when to call it at 1/4, 1/2 value etc) the reticule is market in drop only! Do they know how trajectory can be changed by wind (ground contours etc) . Now we have slight wind that's hard to detect or changes in the wind speed accounting for a 2 1/2 mph FV is an inch! Ok not much you think but add in the inherent accuracy factor the gun is capable of at said range then the shooters ability from the stance in question and I recon within say 4" of intended POI is a fair average. Ok so only shoot in still conditions (which usually means up to 3mph) the easiest day is actually a straight and gental head on or tail wind if its over level ground as its nil value and you know its present No, to my mind is far better to get a bag on small tangerines or similar go out in the fields and practice a lot with basic kit and fixed magnification. After many thousands of rounds you can get good but a reticule like some sort of gothic symbol and a rangefinder isn't going to make life as easy as one thinks it might Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
oldypigeonpopper Posted July 21, 2015 Author Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 has the scope got different range markings on it for the rimfire scope? Yard Ranges? If yes the two combined will be brilliant for calculating shots!! Looks like this?? <script pagespeed_no_defer="">//=d.offsetWidth&&0>=d.offsetHeight)a=!1;else{c=d.getBoundingClientRect();var f=document.body;"pageYOffset"in window?window.pageYOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollTop);c=c.left+("pageXOffset"in window?window.pageXOffset:(document.documentElement||f.parentNode||f).scrollLeft);f=a.toString()+","+c;b.b.hasOwnProperty(f)?a=!1:(b.b[f]=!0,a=a<=b.e.height&&c<=b.e.width)}a&&(b.a.push(e),b.d[e]=!0)};p.prototype.checkImageForCriticality=function(b){b.getBoundingClientRect&&q(this,b)};h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkImageForCriticality",function(b){n.checkImageForCriticality(b)});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.checkCriticalImages",function(){r(n)});var r=function(b){b.b={};for(var d=["IMG","INPUT"],a=[],c=0;c=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e)}b.g&&(e="&rd="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(s())),131072>=a.length+e.length&&(a+=e),d=!0);t=a;if(d){c=b.f;b=b.h;var f;if(window.XMLHttpRequest)f=new XMLHttpRequest;else if(window.ActiveXObject)try{f=new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")}catch(k){try{f=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")}catch(u){}}f&&("POST",c+(-1==c.indexOf("?")?"?":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}},s=function(){var b={},d=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(0==d.length)return{};var a=d[0];if(!("naturalWidth"in a&&"naturalHeight"in a))return{};for(var c=0;a=d[c];++c){var e=a.getAttribute("pagespeed_url_hash");e&&(!(e in b)&&0=b[e].k&&a.height>=b[e].j)&&(b[e]={rw:a.width,rh:a.height,ow:a.naturalWidth,oh:a.naturalHeight})}return b},t="";h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.getBeaconData",function(){return t});h("pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run",function(b,d,a,c,e,f){var k=new p(b,d,a,e,f);n=k;c&&m(function(){window.setTimeout(function(){r(k)},0)})});})();pagespeed.CriticalImages.Run('/mod_pagespeed_beacon','§ion=topics&do=quote&t=316706&p=2868444&md5check=3064b4d9a05da8fc2dfe96962536b5b5&isRte=1,l8PuqRhht8,true,false,p2hAxo0HoRY');//]]></script> &&0 hello marksman, i have not seen the hawke rimmie scope yet only going by what the RFD has told me on the phone, he said you can zero at 50 mtrs and there are markings for shooting at different distance. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marksman1997 Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 In all honesty such things are largely a waste of time that give people unrealistic confidence past their true abilities. You see its like this Drop is far from the full story once you push ranges you have Wind (approx. 4" at 100 yards 10mph at FV, does the shooter know how / when to call it at 1/4, 1/2 value etc) the reticule is market in drop only! Do they know how trajectory can be changed by wind (ground contours etc) . Now we have slight wind that's hard to detect or changes in the wind speed accounting for a 2 1/2 mph FV is an inch! Ok not much you think but add in the inherent accuracy factor the gun is capable of at said range then the shooters ability from the stance in question and I recon within say 4" of intended POI is a fair average. Ok so only shoot in still conditions (which usually means up to 3mph) the easiest day is actually a straight and gental head on or tail wind if its over level ground as its nil value and you know its present No, to my mind is far better to get a bag on small tangerines or similar go out in the fields and practice a lot with basic kit and fixed magnification. After many thousands of rounds you can get good but a reticule like some sort of gothic symbol and a rangefinder isn't going to make life as easy as one thinks it might Wont be using for Hunting out past 80 yards even on a still day. But have shot at 200 yard steel plate before and it was Alot of fun and very challenging as the plate was just 6". Think it would be good and handy for rough guess when plinking. Don't worry but i won't be trying any quarry out to 175 yards! . Just think it's more practical than the plain crosshair. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Savhmr Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 I know i want one but am waiting for 4-12x50 subsonic reticle. I take it you have the 3-9x50 subsonic reticle. How well do they work? How accurate are they at the different yardage points?? You can use the standard reticule with reduced magnification to calibrate it to subs. In truth, depending on the ammo used, you'll probably have to calibrate whichever model you buy to suit your ammo in your gun buy test firing at 50 and 75 yds until you find the exact mag that works best. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marksman1997 Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 (edited) It suits the Subs on 12x Zoom as it was designed for that. The hawke guy sent me loads of extra info. Don't know what half of it meant (my guess in brackets) but This was some that he sent: MV (muzzle velocity) = 1057ft/s BC (ballistic coefficient) = 0.1730 ZR (zero range) = 50 YARD SH (no idea!) = 1.60 inch Temp (pretty obvious) = 20oC Pres (pressure) = 29.95" Hg Profile (and again not a clue!) = RA4 Thats all what the reticle is based on. Edited July 21, 2015 by Marksman1997 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
la bala Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 It suits the Subs on 12x Zoom as it was designed for that. The hawke guy sent me loads of extra info. Don't know what half of it meant (my guess in brackets) but This was some that he sent: MV (muzzle velocity) = 1057ft/s BC (ballistic coefficient) = 0.1730 ZR (zero range) = 50 YARD SH (no idea!) = 1.60 inch Temp (pretty obvious) = 20oC Pres (pressure) = 29.95" Hg Profile (and again not a clue!) = RA4 Thats all what the reticle is based on. The SH is scope height. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marksman1997 Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 The SH is scope height. Aha! Thanks. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Savhmr Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 Yes, that'd be for the subs version. The standard version is set for MV in a 40 grain .22LR of 1300fps, so you'd have to drop mag to perhaps 8 or 10 times for optimising with subs. BC = Ballistic Coefficient which is the ability of a bullet to overcome air resistance in flight, being a factor of drag, mass and diameter (or more accurately frontal area). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marksman1997 Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 you can get a 3-9x50 rimfire high velocity scope which on 9x zoom is HV and on 7x zoom it is pretty close for subsonics. The hawke guy tested that for me too and results were: Zero - 50 -72 -98 -124 -151 -180 -207 On the other two scopes 3-9 and 4-12 rimfire subsonic scopes he said they both work for subsonic on full power so you can't use them for HV as to use them for that you would need higher zoom as there would be less drop. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Savhmr Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 (edited) The one I've bought is the 3-9 x 40 so I'm guessing 7x should be close enough for that too. Edited July 21, 2015 by Savhmr Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marksman1997 Posted July 21, 2015 Report Share Posted July 21, 2015 The one I've bought is the 3-9 x 40 so I'm guessing 7x should be close enough for that too. 7x Zoom Subsonic/ 9x Zoom High Velocity -72 -75 -98 -100 -124 -125 -151 -150 -180 -180 -207 -200 Give it a try and see how it goes. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Savhmr Posted July 22, 2015 Report Share Posted July 22, 2015 Just got it and had a play around with BRC. A word of caution for anyone using BRC: You will need to amend the BC coefficient with the manufacturer's data on down range velocity, in this case, at muzzle = 1040ft/sec and at 55 yds = 922 ft/s. This gives a BC = 0.0907 for Eley subs in place of the BRC estimated 0.173, quite a difference. Once amended, the BRC software at any rate gives the following a 6x magnification: 75 100 125 150 175 200 I now need to try it at 6x in the field and calibrate the software if found to be out. Really impressed with this scope though; for the money it has bright optics, a decent build and crystal clear reticules. I reckon it would make a cracking little HMR scope although I've my eye on the Eclipse 8 x 56 for the HMR. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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