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Pietta Navy Arms double 12 muzzle loader


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Does anyone have any experience with the Pietta Navy Arms double 12 muzzle loader?


I've just picked one up, but knowing that Italian repro 12 bores are more often 13 or 14 bore, I was wondering if there were any users current or previous who could definitively tell me the wad and card sizes they have found to be best to save me messing about with different sizes.


Thanks :)

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I had a Navy Arms BP a few years back and I am 99% certain that it took 12g wads-problem is it might have been an original?-Happy to post you a handful of 13G main wads-the 12G over shot will work with either calibre-pm me an address if you want the wads and I will post em Monday.

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I had a Navy Arms BP a few years back and I am 99% certain that it took 12g wads-problem is it might have been an original?-Happy to post you a handful of 13G main wads-the 12G over shot will work with either calibre-pm me an address if you want the wads and I will post em Monday.

That's jolly decent of you, thank you. I'm slogging my guts out in the garden and have been all day, but as soon as Mrs Zapp let's me have a break ill pm you.

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