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Daily Telegraph - Handgun legalisation poll!


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Say what you like about Nigel Farage, I completely agree with him that the handgun ban was a total overreaction. And frankly has made little to no difference to gun crime in the UK, other than ensuring that only criminals can have handguns!




Interesting that the poll results are also 72% in favour of removing the ban, which is great to see. I'm also glad that the Telegraph is the paper running the poll - They're generally a solid bastion of journalism and dont tend towards hysterical headlines and sensationalism, unlike many other publications.


I was also mildly amused by what Farage said and what the so called "experts" interpreted.


Farage; "people who kept hand guns responsibility locked up and had were willing to get an official licence should absolutely be allowed them."

“I would not like us to go to the American System which strikes me as being absolutely crazy that you can go and buy automatic repeating rifles down at a local gun shop that looks more like a supermarket. He added: “Proper gun licensing is something we have done in this country responsibly and well and I think the knee jerk legislation that Blair brought in that meant that the British Olympic pistol team have to go to France to practice was jut cracker – if you criminalise handguns then only the criminals carry the guns. Asked what Ukip’s official policy was on gun control he said: “We need a proper gun licensing system to which we already have, and I think the ban on handguns is ludicrous.”


Experts interpretation; Experts have said his comments were “stupid” and encourage an American-style idea that you and your home are only safe if you are armed. Peter Squires, professor of criminology at Brighton University and a member of Association of Police Officer’s advisory group on the criminal use of fire arms said that Mr Farage’s comments were "irresponsible".

He said: “If public safety is a consideration then it’s a particularly stupid thing to say. It opens up the problem that we have almost dealt with successfully."It will generate a demand, it will generate illegal traffic around that demand – the problem with hand guns is that they are small and concealable and they are already the weapon of choice of gangs members and criminals.”

So Farage specifically states that he DOESNT want to move to an American style system where we should all be armed for defence and that he would require people to keep their handguns locked up. Experts interpret this as encouraging an American style idea that we should all be armed for defence... :hmm:


Oh and my favourite part, that "we" (whoever "we" is..) have almost dealt with gun crime sucessfully. Really?!? So theres less gun crime now that 20 years ago? No problems with armed gangs shooting at each other and at innocent by-standers in the east end of London? No problems with eastern European gangs smuggling illegal Glocks into the country? No problems with ISIS supporting fanatics getting hold of AK47's? All of which have been headlines in the last 6 months!


Yeah, that handgun ban has done a great job at preventing all those things happening...


Heres hoping that the results are listened to by the powers that be!


FWIW I polled yes, potentially unsurprisingly!

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That idiot "expert" is clearly just another one of these government yes boys who's got their position because they say what the legislators want to hear.


They just do what they want regardless.


Always made me laugh when they massively bigged up that drug expert they had to do a huge study on cannabis, when he came back and said it wasn't as bad as they made out, they sacked him and upped its classification regardless, totally disregarded what they didn't want to hear.


It's quite a worrying trend tbh!

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You must remember those that make the decisions what you and I can have, have armed people looking after them so they have a rather slanted approach

And the one that looks over them to make sure their conduct is befitting someone of the position, is snorting coke with hookers for a laugh! Good thing they're looking after us eh guys

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