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I have a failed field of beans that was going to be sown to spring rape. The estate has now decided to put in millet. This will be a first for me and I wondered if anyone had decoyed over millet before? Hopefully it will be as good a draw as lupins. :stupid:

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It will be very interesting and may depend on what alternatives are available for the birds.


On one of my old permissions the best field for pigeons, was a field of setaside after the farmer had flailed it.

I would imagine that the pigeons would really like millet.


You don't have any wild budgerigars up your way, do you ? :stupid:

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  • 2 years later...
any answers on this?, i've just got two fields of it on one of my permissions

Nope , Completly stumped on this one . Having never even seen a field of millet . But i would bet that any crop that yeilds any kind of seed will be fair game to pigeons .

Harnser .

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Nope , Completly stumped on this one . Having never even seen a field of millet . But i would bet that any crop that yeilds any kind of seed will be fair game to pigeons .

Harnser .



Millett is good for pigeons but even deadlier on ducks, I feed my pond mainly with millet and attendence rose dramatically when I started using it.

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that sounds good - as there's a river/marshland running down to one side of one of the fields.


had a quick look yesterday - it's only been in a month or so (didn't know the field had been resown),

covered in corvids. also saw a Montagu's Harrier which was pretty cool

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