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Ham Cross Clay Shoot. Wiltshire.


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Here's a date for your diaries. B)


Will Thatcher is having a clay shoot at his Shooting Ground in Wiltshire on Sunday April 29th entries are 10am to 3pm. 100 bird registered shoot and re-entry. This is definitely not to be missed, you can be guaranteed of some great targets in fact an excellent shoot all round. Will’s a brilliant course setter. He's got a wicked high tower and throws some testing driven targets from it. It's a very enjoyable shoot.


The address is

Ley Farm

Teffont Evias

Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 5RW

Phone: 07971 411536


Come and have a go if you think you're 'ard enough :drinks:

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I saw a poster for this shoot at Wylye Valley SG last Sunday, I think it's even better than Jonesy said, in that it's a 120 bird non registered Sporting shoot and (I think) an entry fee of only £40.


It's a lovely ground, set in real Carrot Crunching scenic countryside, and Will Thatcher is an excellent course setter who doesn't hold many open shoots nowadays, so he puts a real effort into the ones he does put on.


Despite the fact that it's a 210 mile round trip for me, B) I'm going, so I'll see you there Jonesy :drinks:



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I knew you'd get a "carrot cruncher" dig in there somewhere :drinks: B) :lol:


You're right though it is 120 birds and doh! non registered. 10 points for spotting it, good job I edited the spelling mistakes really quickly before you noticed. :lol: I should pay more attention, I was talking to Will for ages too. Not very good at advertising am I?


I'll probably do the Wiltshire Sportrap at Southern Counties first thing and then pop over to Ham Cross after then. :lol:

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just autorouted it, 150 miles all round for me but tempted


will they be selling cakes there? (carrot cake maybe)


any shell restrictions






It's on your doorstep then matey, I'm sure carrot cake will be on the menu, but don't tell Jonsey otherwise we'll never get her out of the clubhouse..!!


Not sure about shell restrictions, better to give Will a ring and ask.



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Even though it's in my county it's 120 mile round trip for me. Worth it though, I'll find out about cartridge restrictions.


I'm with pin on the carrot cake, but chelsea buns....now you're talking....................however I'm on the cake wagon at the moment so i'm trying not to think about them at all. It's not working too well :good:

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  • 2 weeks later...
So who's going and at what time?


Think i may get the passport visa back just in time for the trip.





I'm hoping to get there about 10.15, there's a car load of us coming. We were going to do the Southern Counties Sportrap first but we've decided against it. Too much travelling :angry:


If you get your passport see you there around then. Think Cat's aiming for 10 too.


There's 4 new high towers there this year, one of them is 145ft, so I'm really looking forward to those driven birds (not)


See you there

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Wow, 145 foot, that's some tower, if I remember correctly the high tower at Roundwood was only 120' high and a midi thrown off there looked like a bumble bee..!! :lol::lol:


I will still try and do my best to prove that you don't need tight chokes to break tower birds, I've broken them consistently at 120' with Skeet / Skeet, so it should be fun. :lol:


I'll deffo be there by 10.00, and after a slice of cake will get warmed up on the pool shoot. :lol:


Anybody else up for it..?? :angry:



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