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Considering a New beretta 486 sxs, anyone have one?

Gin steady shooter

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As per title, I'm considering getting a new sxs prob something in the berretta range, the 486 looks nice.


I shoulder a 28" in 12 bore on Monday, fitted well. Currently shooting game with a 687 silver pidgion s, approx 20 year old gun and looking to save a bit of weight by moving to a Sxs, I may go for a 20 bore over the 12 to help this. Currently shooting pheasant on a beat one / stand one shoot, so a bit of carrying involved. Also Hoping to do some walked up grouse next year too.


Does anyone have any experience of the 486? Any issues, anything about this gun to keep in mind? I'm told the action is made by another Italian gunmaker not berretta (name begins with a f I think) , thoughts on this? Cheers

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It depends what you want from it I suppose. I shoot a 626 SxS and a 690 Sporting.


The 626 has good wood, decent bluing and the action is nicely engraved for what it is. Cost me a third of what a 486 would cost and I can't complain really.


The 486 engraving is lovely and the wood is a better grain as standard, but if you look about there are plenty cheaper beretta SxS that will do the job nicely.

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A cautionary tale.


Friend of mine ordered a new factory pair of 486 in 20 bore in person at the Beretta Gallery in London. He provided them with measurements taken at the H&H shooting school which he was told would be no problem to provide.


When the guns arrived the stock measurements were WAY out and did not match. No excuse for that. Personally, I thought the guns handled well and they fitted me nicely but that's a bit of a problem as I am a slim 5'11" and he's a 6'4" brick khazi.


Others may have had a much better experience ordering new guns but this is factual and occurred within the last couple of months so watch your back.

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