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November sun bathing....


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Well it has been some time since I was out shooting as Blue and I have been picking up on the weekends free. Not the perfect day as there was no wind but what a day. Med Blue skies, partridge skittering around the hedge, deer lazing in the fields and buzzards soaring in the skies. Some Pigeon Biltong, thermos of coffee and Blue and I chilled..... It did not matter there was not a bird in the sky..... well not that much.


One or two rooks ventured close enough to drop with a single shot and then a few feral pigeons plagued me for an hour..... did not see a single wood pigeon all day..... set-up at 11 and packed up at 3pm and both Blue and I were chilled chaps......


Not the biggest bag but the most relaxed.....


Three rooks and eight feral for 15 shots.

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