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Rimfire variation


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Hello all,

I'm looking at putting a variation to change my .22lr. Does anyone know if this is hassle or pretty straight forward? Also, I assume I'll need to send off my FAC in the post, so will I also not be able to use my .308 that's on that FAC as I won't be able to produce my certificate as I am required to be able to do at all times with the rifle?



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If it's a one for one variation it's easy and free, just inform them you've disposed of the old and return your cert, they'll send it back with authority to acquire the new one


You can still use your .308 just take a photocopy of your ticket, the only people asking for proof will be the police and they can check on their system if you are supposed to have it. If they were being particularly mardy they could take your gun if you couldn't provide your original ticket but I've only heard of this a couple of times and there were other factors at play then

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