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What's the name of that film?


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I've been trying to track down the name of a film I seen a number of years ago without success. I believe the plot focused around a woman who ended up in a chalet with older strangers, some of whom had domineering personalities. The twist comes when we find out that the woman had been cryogenically frozen so that when medicine had evolved enough she could be cured. It turns out that the woman was later unthawed as a cure had been found, and she recognized that the people she had been talking to in the chalet were fellow cryogenically frozen roommates if you will. All had been able to somehow bring their minds together as if to feel they were actually living somewhere. To top it off I think they thought it was winter outside. I don't think it was anything like the twilight zone but stand to be corrected. Anyone remember seeing such a film or am I losing the plot?

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