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Got a call from a farmer this week who has just planted Borage.


He reckons by this weekend should be worth a couple of days of shooting on the pigeons. and I gets another call from another farmer saying 300-400 rooks are nicking his feed mountains.


Saturday morning VERY early I will be waiting for them.




Dave K

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I don't think I have ever seen borage farmed commercially.

My mother use to grow some in her herb garden and I remember it had a blue flower.


What do the pigeons eat, the seed, foliage, flowers.... ?


I shot a field of borage last year and we had a brilliant day . Over 100 pigeons.


I have been told that they attack the shoots just after they appear which only takes 6-8 days.


I am going for a reccy later.


6th day.


Dave K

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