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wanted beaters stick


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I was out on a walk a year or so ago and this caught my eye -



luckily I had my saw with me, so time for some pruning :)


A beating season later - it stood up to that - it got some care and attention -

bark stripped from all but top



sanded again

stained again

and a top coat of varnish




It is almost straight and I like it at about 4 foot I can trim down a little if the lower end gets damaged.


I may do some more :good:


Try it, it's fun



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Get your bush saw out and go and have one of the many saplings.


Cut mine the ends of last season, currently sat in the kitchen drying out..............


Dont have to be owt special...................


Give it a going over with the dremmel to create the thumb notch, drill through the handle and tie on your leather shoe lace. Job done......

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Plenty of good stick making books about if you really want to get into it. Cheaper to get your pruning saw and then go and cut a nice sapling over the winter time (Not good for the trees when saps rising this time of year.


General rule of thumb is that for every inch thick the stick is, it takes 12 months to season (Dry out). So cut some next winter and then store in the garage/shed for a year and then after that you can work on them.


SS :good:

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jesus do people really go out and buy beating sticks ???


i Agree - never bought 1 in my life, always just cut 1 out the wood-if it breaks cut a new 1

unless he means 1 with a somthing on the top i.e. stag horn, dogs head, shepards crook ??????:lol:

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