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Nine of us had a journey down the M6 this aft' for a bit play in the wind and rain.

Really struggled to begin with and was missing some birds I would normally take for granted yet hitting the more difficult ones including a battue which was virtually invisible against the trees until it presented its belly as it dropped. I even struggled on the rabbit!

The voice activated DTL stand was hilarious as even the slightest cough would activate the trap, a fact some of us put to good use when it was an opponents turn to shoot......usually just a second or so before they were ready. Great fun. :yes:

We went round twice and the strong wind almost dried us before we got round the second time, and we were just finishing off when the sky dumped on us. A grand day out nevertheless, and I always come away believing our ranks could be swelled enormously if more people would just have a go.

Considering having a lesson or two to iron out some issues I feel I have with newest gun.

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Nine of us had a journey down the M6 this aft' for a bit play in the wind and rain.

Really struggled to begin with and was missing some birds I would normally take for granted yet hitting the more difficult ones including a battue which was virtually invisible against the trees until it presented its belly as it dropped. I even struggled on the rabbit!

The voice activated DTL stand was hilarious as even the slightest cough would activate the trap, a fact some of us put to good use when it was an opponents turn to shoot......usually just a second or so before they were ready. Great fun. :yes:

We went round twice and the strong wind almost dried us before we got round the second time, and we were just finishing off when the sky dumped on us. A grand day out nevertheless, and I always come away believing our ranks could be swelled enormously if more people would just have a go.

Considering having a lesson or two to iron out some issues I feel I have with newest gun.

Long motorway the M6. Give us a clue, where did you shoot?
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