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Extremely interesting article


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Turns out that standard medical practice for resuscitation is wrong, the thing that kills cells is not being starved of oxygen, but when they get oxygen back!


Astonishing to think that someone who would be considered "clinically" dead, simply isn't. Sounds like the technology isn't far away that might be able to bring someone back who's been "dead" for a few hours!

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With resus only about 10% live if the arrest in an outer hospital dept, the figure is the same for any street arrest, with the highest recovery in an intensive dept say CCU,THEATRE.


The longest peroid for resus I know is cold drowning with kids they can come out of the water 'blue' and still be resusitated with no brain damage, electice shock is the shortest as we are often warn with electric stopping both heart and lungs function.


I have seen a young lady, not a mark on her body ( RTA bang on the head) on both a pacer and ventilator (to keep her organs pink) with the family crying around her bed, and medical staff ringing around other hospitals to see 'who wants her organs'. On the other end of the scale.


From Robert Graves book 'good bye to all that' he was hit by a large piece of shrapnal in the back in ww1 and stacked up as dead in a field station but somebody noticed movement the next day clearing bodies - he live until 90.


One interesting fact - if you or a friend has a cardiac arrest in a non medical dept within a hospital, you call 999 and ask for an ambulance - true, as the crash team only operate within medical areas.

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