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Proper Cartridges Topic

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Would be good if you develpoped a 28 to 32 gram steel duck load cartridge range, with the 28s doing 1600 to 1620 fps at 9 foot and the 32 gram at1550 1575fps at 9 foot.

Could use your chedite hulls b p 28 and 32 wads. Would be good to offer a truly quick allternative to the guttless offerings from other cartridge makers the world overe.

Gambere are about leading the game at the moment in comercial steel and the kind of performance their cartridges acctualy produce are in reality nothing more than average at best.

And if you had cartridges in the speed range i sujested, nothing they produce could live with these quicker loads.

And there is a whole broader potential market in 3 inch and 3.5 inch offerings you could develop loads for and take that sector of the market off them too.

Eley were making all the right noises in the early days of lightening steel, but claimed speeds had little truth in reality and the cartridges never made claimed speeds, and witin a short time they had reduced performance even more.


Lightening steel is not bad ammo nor is gamebore, but it is eassy to out perform and still keep things safe. .

Be bold acctualy do what eley claimed they were going to do in all the early lightenin g blerb, and once words out you will take the lions share of the comercial steel shot sales off the big companies.

Steel is coming like it or loathe it, first up is best dressed and the first real hight performance steel shot cartridge range maker will not be forgoten in a hury.

tony I hate steel and have no intention of making any where and when you can use it damage to guns choke sizes make a mistake and you could injer or kill somebody no no no thanks george

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:lol: :lol: IU just knew you wernt a fan from previous coments youve made, a shame as there is a market for such stuff, and us poor old fowlers who like our sport on the shorelines we dont have a lot of options .

If you could buy raw bismuth ingots get it dropped moulded whatever this would be a good option for waterfowl loads and you can buy it aboiut 2 thirds cheaper than in shot form. Could be cheaper to produce if you could make of have made shot profit passed on to the shooters as well as the producer. And no safety anxioty.

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Guest cookoff013

i think its due to his business model....

high volumes of quality lead loads for english game.



tiny volumes of cip limited loads, that are an ache to make (right) for potentially only a few boxes a season.

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i think its due to his business model....

high volumes of quality lead loads for english game.



tiny volumes of cip limited loads, that are an ache to make (right) for potentially only a few boxes a season.

I would say thats about spot on, might see a radical change if lead gets banned though.

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It is not ideal and i do understand your viewpoint, but it is a nessasary evil if you hunt waterfowl a lot. Well that is unlewss you have a bottomless bank ballance.

I didn't like the idea of sending large volumes of shot through a barrel that wasn't designed for it, so I decided that a 10-bore was the thing to homeload for. Still got the 10+ KGs of Bismuth shot in the shed, having discovered 42gm Mammoths(steel) and Gauge Mates. one day I'll get round to taking the Mec 10-bore press out of the box!

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theres only so much a one man band can do 5 000 000 is my target x£30 per 1000 when I can get it the machine does 12 000 carts per hour but I run it slow so I try to do about 10k per hour on a 12 hour shift while the machine is running we like to do about 100 000 carts per day but there is a lot of preparation on the slab and small box side wot johanne does I am going with the numbers and the profit which to me is 32 gram plastic lead for pigeon and game with a lot of 34 and 36 grams chucked in also 40 gram in the process of getting machine altered to do 3 inch they are a hell of a price so that's all for now folks slowly slowly thanks George we also do 28 bore and 20 bore

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