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Escort missfireing-Help


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did u let the bolt slam shut or did u keep hold of it as it closed if u dont let it slam u get miss fires



i have an escort ,and for the money their brill.only prob i have is 60 or 65 mm carts,they dont seem to like jumping up very much,70 mm no probs.as for mis firing,the only time ive misfired,is when i

have caught the lever on the side of my coat,and pulled it back an inch or so,and then it seems to misfire ,so may be thats what have happened ,or as above quote,you havent let it shut hard.but ive put a few thousand carts through mine now,and it works a treat (touch wood ) so far :good:

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alright mate ,i used to have all these same problems with most of my auto,s. on talking to some bloke in gun shop he advised me to use rio super game carts as these are made for auto,s ,he said if it wont fire them then it wont fire owt ,and he was right and i swear by them now for auto,s and would not relie on anything else ,all my auto,s have fired these carts were all sorts of others have misfired or jammed on reload . its worth a go ,and i no you,ll be happy :good: hope it works for you



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can i just add that express has a problem at the moment with a batch of hard primers....

i know of 1 shooting ground returning a whole consignment because of this....at my gun club we have had a number of misfires due to this problem....

my money would be the cartridges .....express...BAH HUMBUG! :good:

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that primer seems to be hit well hard enough its the cartridge at fault id say.My beretta hits the primer off centre as well should not affect it one bit.When it starts putting really small dents in the primer and misfires its time for a firing pin change and firing pin spring they wear out eventually on all guns even berettas :good:

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