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Is reloading difficult?

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Wow, its seems like this can vary from very simple to a real pain the the butt! Thanks, i will track down a couple of books first.


A lot of the advice on this posts is sound but much over complicates the issue and makes it seem harder than it is, it may involve explosives but it ain't rocket science. You clean and resize a fired case, re prime it and then add a safe volume of powder then a bullet to the correct seated depth, maybe a crimp if you like ( advisable for hunting ammo ). The information you need for all these stages and to keep in safe limits for your calibre is available in various reloading manuals ( I use Lee's modern reloading second addition ). Common sense prevails, I load very accurate ( and not complicated ) loads for 223,243 and 308, and if I can do it then most people with at least one arm can do it also. :good:

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Its as simple as you want it to be, i like knock in knock out dies no bench tied up with a press, just all slips in the corner of a drawer or tool box.

This is a more conventional reloading set up and basicaly whats involved for rifle.

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Reloading is easy. Casistancy and regularly is the hard part.


Changing the way you do one step and be the hard part.

Lee reloading have a reloading g book with data but best of all it gives the basics and is about the best and easiest read to get started.

First time reloaded I was bricing it. Now, it's a love affair. I sort of know what I'm doing and have a plan before I start. Everything has an order and place.


Read the Lee reloading guild and ask questions.

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