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The reason i asked for the size is, that names like anaconda code red white blue :lol: whatever , these dont really meen very much.

Its like IM IC etc not quite as vague but still not what you need to know exactly.

If choke makers called their choke a name like SRM with the cTERROR chokes and then the constriction .675 or .655 etc. we would know what we are getting.

Fair enough some choke firms do list constrictions in the specs but its often not that eassy to find esspecialy if your buying from a middle man firm like midway etc.

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Yes but


Surely many of these aftermarket chokes are specifically designed for use with steel shot.

Yes thats true, but if you have the constriction in the title too like the terror .705 etc, it tells you whats there, so you can make your own conclusions.

Edited by TONY R
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