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Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside..


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Having a week or so of no shooting time ahead of me I decided to head out yesterday.

Taking a mate with me, we ended up at some pea fields right behind the sand dunes on the Lincs coast (same fields shot by Jdog and I recently).

This place is quite special. It is next to a nature reserve, wintering haven for seals and also an RAF bombing range.

It also has lots of pigeons, which live in the shrubbery on the dunes.

Yesterday had a great westerly and it made it perfect for these fields.

I set up in a shallow ditch on a small, oblong field and my pal on the larger field. We had seen flightlines into both fields.

My position was perfect, every bird left to right, appearing without warning (I shoot better when I can't see them coming).

Birds were swooping in low, past my position to my decoys, 25 yards to my right. It was too good to be true, five for five, six for eight, eight for ten.....the action was sporadic, but I don't mind the quiet periods.

The wind shifted the birds were bypassing me slightly. However, after moving the decoys and sticking a rotary out, the birds started to come back in nicely.

I picked 21 (20 shot be me and only one by my pal). A great afternoon out. My shooting average was consistent and there were enough birds to keep my attention.

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