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I watched the BBC breakfast programme this morning and was interested to learn that one female has layed several clutches of eggs; only to have them slung out of the nest by the male bird, who apparently was of the opinion that the eggs were not firtilised by him. Isnt nature wonderful!


Its a great pity that Scotish gamekeepers have been blamed by the RSPB and others for persecuting these birds over decades.


I,m a firm believer in no smoke without fire, but you need to be sure of who lit it before casting accusations in a general direction; or maybee not if you are the RSPB.



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Good old BBC always first with (old) news. This happened some time back when three birds arrived at the nest site, 2 males and a female. The dominant male quite rightly didn't want to spend time raising anothers offspring (a common enough occurance in the animal kingdom) so ejected the eggs. It's thought the female would/will lay a new clutch.


I think it's pretty much certain that (whatever the RSPCA say) that chemicals and keepers were both partly responsible for the decline of birds of prey unfortunately bringing some close to extinction here in the UK at least. I'm not a fan of birds of prey but they are part of the natural order of things and in naturally sustainable numbers (without interference from preservationists) I don't have a problem with them. In un naturally large numbers that's possibly a different matter as they can devastate game and other wild bird populations.

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She arrived early, shagged another bird and laid. Hubby arrived, kicked the eggs out and then boaned her again and to everyone's surprise she is again sitting on a clutch is what I understood happened.


Well i wouldn't of hung around, TART :D:D

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