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Gun choice


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Wednesday going with a friend to look at my first shotgun


Was thinking if I don't look at side plate and just go on feel and fit would it be a cheaper offering?

Or does the draw of the known brands make you feel like it's the right feel and fit because of its name?


Just wonder what I'll end up with

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Try before you buy if you can. If your a complete newbie you might not know what feels right! We've all bought guns thinking they feel good, go out and shoot them and decide they don't fit.

To be honest unless it's worth getting it fitted, I'd say buy something 2nd hand under £500 and use it for a while and see how it feels.

You can always sell it on after if you decide you don't like it.

Get advice on fit, but from someone who knows what they are talking about, bad advice is common place! Good advice is invaluable!

Don't get hung up on looks, yeah a pretty gun is nice but a gun that fits and is ugly will still hit more clays!

Happy shopping!

(It might be your first but very much doubt it'll be your last!)

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What ever you like and feels ok to you. At the end of the day it is only a tube up which the charge goes. I dont really think it makes much difference as to what the configuration is. Most of it is gun fit and what is between your ears. some people pick up anything and shoot well with it and other buy a purdey and cant hit a barn door with it. The gun has to shoot where you think that you are pointing it. when you go to look at any gun shoulder it up and check to see if you are looking down the rib to a pre selected target. if it dont then you aint going to connect. it wouldn't matter to me if it was single trigger, double trigger, multi choke or fixed choke, But thats just me. It's a gun. good luck with your gun hunt.

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I wonder how many of us still regularly use our 1st gun? I still have mine in the cab but tbh more for sentimental reasons than any other. I've "altered" the stock to where I want it but it really didn't fit me,I used to fit myself around it.

Point of post is buy a second hand name 'coz chances are you may want to move it on in a year.

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