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My 25 yr old son has several seaons under his belt, and last year was"headhunted" for a shoot that has 3,000 pheasants. It hadn't been used for over 10 years so he had to build a number of pens etc. He really loves the job itself but is completely fed up with the shooting agent.


The management hierarchy doesn't help; Estate Owner - Shooting Agent - Game Keeper.


The owner doesn't want anything to do with the birds until shoot days come around, therefore if my son has any problems or requests ie. more feeders, poults being clipped or not, he has to contact the Shooting Agent, who frequently doesn't reply to texts or won't answer his phone - presumably recognising the caller. But what the Shooting Agent says goes !


The Estate won't offer him a permanent job and put him on their pay roll, so my lad is self employed.


Does the Shooting Agent usually wield so much power on the day to day running of a gamekeepers job ?




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Personally i'd say that is quite unusual to have a shooting agent involved for so few birds. But it mibee depends on the lease or if its more a land agent like Charlie said.

Possibly in the future ur son may be left to get on with it more when they know each other.

Most estates i know would just have an account somewhere and u can get wot u need, within reason and not micro managed like that


I'm sure ur son would manage fine himself and i bet the shooting agent charges more than ur son gets paid too, and he's doing all the work

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The shooting agents Iv worked for and work for now only ever employ on ad hock basis. I have a full time normal job to cover this.


The problem with the agents they need to make money as well to make it worth while the hassle, and in this day and age no one wants to pay a reasonable price.


So self employed is the norm as far as in was aware. Easier for them to just pay your invoices


As for the shooting agent not responding to any form of contact, I don't hear from mine for months at a time. I just put in my invoice in just before April and he pays by BACS.


It's a tough game and every one wants to do the job so he has to accept the ups and downs of it. Because at the age of 25 there will be another 30 or so 25 year olds waiting to jump into his slot.

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