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Identification of Belgian 16 Gauge SxS?


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Hello all!


I recently acquired an old side by side, its a belgian gun in 16 gauge in reasonable condition. I got it for next to nothing as I wanted a 16 gauge in the cabinet havent fired it yet but looking forward to doing so!


I have been looking on the web to try and find out some information on it but cant find much at all the previous owner thought it was made by Francotte but wasnt sure. From I found out Francotte made high end guns and I am not sure this is of that quality. Just wondered if anyone could help or perhaps tell me where to find a makers code on it if there is one.


Thanks for any help








Edited by Wingman
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Looks like a typical Belgian "trade " gun turned out in the hundreds for general retail in shops all over the world . Unless there is a makers ID mark on the barrel or action then I doubt you will find a maker .All you may be able to decipher is a proof date , Which I would guess at being in the 1930's.

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Hello just seen your post the proof marks for P.V = nitro proof ELG = former definitive the marks at the bottom are 65/16 = 16 bore 65 = 2 and a half cartridges please don't put a 2 and three quarter in it all so on 2 and a half cartridges the gram load will be less all the best with it but I would get it checked you could take the fore end off and try and move the barrels side to side lightly to see how tight they are to the action all so take the barrels with the fore end off hook it on your finger and then flick the barrels half way down if they ring like a bell there o.k if it sounds very dull then there is a problem with them poss top rib lose ? all the best once again

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Hello again just a quick tip to check your gun try and get a hand rolling paper place it across the breach and shut the gun slowly then try and put out the paper if it comes out with out ripping then the guns on face if it comes straight out you have a problem and it needs adjusting by a gunsmith which will be £60 - £80 more than the guns worth also don't use heavy loads in a 16 bore or your feel it on your shoulder as I said yesterday yours is only for 65mm or 2 and a half all the best

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Gooseman


Well I havent shot it yet, I took the gun to my gunsmith for a thorough check over as I plan to let my son use it when we go out rough shooting so safety was (as it always should be) my concern, It passed with flying colours but he offered to tidy up the barrels for me a bit as they were a bit pitted (but with loads of metal still left and well in proof). As I use him a lot he didnt charge me much so I went ahead and got it done, Only picked up the barrels last Friday after a week away on business and didnt get out shooting last weekend. I want to try and reblue the barrels myself as I have has some good success in the past and I have a unused bottle of Ballistol Klever I want to try. I bought the gun as a little project and also plan to refinish the wood at some point, but I have spent the last few evening sanding off the bluing and prepping for a cold blue job, so as it stands the barrels look like this:




Pretty shiny and clean I need to sort out the surface pitting near the muzzle but probably wont spend a huge amount of additional time on it and get the bluing done this week, My local gunshop is getting me a slab of 16 bore ammo so hoping to get out with it this weekend!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi mate just got back after a day out with the Belgian 16. Gun cleaned and put away and sat here with a pint reflecting on the day. We bagged a few pigeons but overall not much to talk about. But the gun was a delight to shoot and carry. It performed perfectly and I bagged 3 pigeons had a shot at a pheasant but missed unfortunately. We had to cut our session a little short to go round to the farmers house and take him the annual bottles of whiskey and vodka! Pleased with the gun overall though and feel another 16 bore coming on..

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Hello I bet that's the best £50 you have spent for a long time the farmers drinks must have been over half of the cost well done on the pigeons don't worry about the pheasant I have see people miss with a 12 and 36 gram loads and I think you will get more 16s but never forget your first all the best mate keep your powder dry ( oh yes I have shot pigeons with black powder come down ready cooked sometimes )

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