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Todays Parliamentary grouse goings on,link.


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The anti grouse shooting mouthpieces didn't turn up! 3 females were all they could muster! They were more interested in heather burning and water run off/flooding, whereas the pro grouse shooting side were well represented and won the debate hands down! The government minister in her summing up said 'government has no intention of banning grouse shooting' but reiterated the governments determination the enforce the law on raptor persecution.....a seemingly very satisfactory result!

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The anti grouse shooting mouthpieces didn't turn up! 3 females were all they could muster! They were more interested in heather burning and water run off/flooding, whereas the pro grouse shooting side were well represented and won the debate hands down! The government minister in her summing up said 'government has no intention of banning grouse shooting' but reiterated the governments determination the enforce the law on raptor persecution.....a seemingly very satisfactory result!


The summing up was pure class and some gem digs at those who were shouting loudest yet either didnt turn up or stay long.

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I think one mp reffered to packham and avery as "voyeurs of conservation".

I noticed avery was in the audience.

Despite it being mentioned that the rspb were NOT calling for a ban, i did see guy shorrock sitting with avery and his cohorts.

Shorrock is head of rspb ivestigations.

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A link to todays saying on the matter.

Avery and sidekicks have been absolutely mauled with pure actual facts being shown on the pro side and the usual keech from the antis.




I'm not often moved to comment on politics, but I've just listened to the full debate in the link, and I have to say I am very impressed with the great majority of the speakers. I think anyone on the fence would not agree that driven grouse shooting should be banned. In fact I think the instigators of the petition have well and truly shot themselves in the proverbial foot, by bringing the debate out into the open. Well done MPs.!!


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Have a read of Ovary's blog and the comments from his adoring eco zealots. Some are now talking about direct action on grouse moors next season. Great. They can get criminalised, lose their jobs and destroy their image in the eyes of the public.

Edited by TommyB
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A link to todays saying on the matter.

Avery and sidekicks have been absolutely mauled with pure actual facts being shown on the pro side and the usual keech from the antis.




In fact I think the instigators of the petition have well and truly shot themselves in the proverbial foot, by bringing the debate out into the open. Well done MPs.!!



Why do you think the RSPB distanced themselves from it? :hmm:

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