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Lanber issue


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Hi all recently took my lanber clay shooting and found if I shot top barrel first it would ,95% of the time,select the bottom barrel with no problem but if I shot it bottom barrel first it doesn't select the top and is like the safety is still on ...if I manually select it after the shot it will fire ....is it likely to be the inertia system being clogged up and is this an easy fix ? I am looking to sell the gun but have no idea what it's worth as I can't work out which model it is

2 3/4 inch

Multi choke

Oiled stock

28" barrels

Any help great fully received

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Not sure on lanber but if the stock comes off easily worth checking inside the action for crud, removing the crud and looking at the operation of the inertia block. Worst case something is broken and falls out and then when you take it to gunsmith it's already partially stripped for them to see the issues. I had similar with an old midland tried to part ex it and shop didn't want to know trip to gunsmith and £40 later all sorted and fixed I sold it privately for more than they would have given px after deducting the service cost.

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As above, take the stock off, have a look, if you can't see anything obviously wrong/broken, flush out any crud with Napier gun cleaner or similar, regrease where there was grease before and all should be well in my experience. Be careful that the stock is properly aligned with the back of the action when you put it back on before tightening the bolt.


It could be the safety catch spring is weak, allowing the safety to put itself back on after the first shot ? You may be able to look at this in more detail with the stock off.

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