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With the rain hooning down this morning I had no option but to ......................... practice.


Set up a 25yd "range" on my permission in one of the hay barns and plinked away for a couple of hours. It is surprising how your aim can go when you don't practice for a while. It took a few mags to get my groups tightened up again. My technique needed polishing up.

When you just go out hunting you don't take enough shots to keep your eye in to a suitable standard do you?


So now I want it to rain on a Sunday morning a bit more often so I can get practicing more :stupid:

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I can practice without the rain maybe its just dedication. as for it raining more often on Sundays I'm sure you'll soon get pea'd off if it rains every Sunday. I will Its been wazing it down all day here and the forecast is for much of the same tomorrow so my land will be like a bog for the next few days.

Although I must agree that practice makes perfect and there is always a need to check that the sight has not been disturbed

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Nothing more then a good plink shaun, ive been plinking today too from the alloment shed, may mate said int you cold in there i say nahh got the log burner on the go for hot coffee, not only that picked off a few wood pigeons too got a few hours left might pop back over :/

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