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Heating engineer


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Are there any heating engineers on here who would like to quote to supply and fit a replacement boiler,


Our current one is an 11 year old Potterton HE which had been OK, but now appears to have an insoluble problem.


Please pm me

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You'll be lucky to find someone to do it in my experience, I had 4 people come round earlier in the year to quote for a new heating system, and despite taking the time to visit the house, not one of them bothered getting back to me with a quote. The old boiler is soldiering on, and we're still warm and a few grand up :)

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You'll be lucky to find someone to do it in my experience, I had 4 people come round earlier in the year to quote for a new heating system, and despite taking the time to visit the house, not one of them bothered getting back to me with a quote. The old boiler is soldiering on, and we're still warm and a few grand up :)

Why are all the PW members that get let down never in Leeds :no:

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what is a sundry engineer? parts are still available for the Suprima but at 10 years old probably time to get rid


"Sundry" = a number of (well actually 4) who have scratched their heads, replaced parts that didn't need replacing, left it running, but it keeps failing again.


I've got fed up with it, hence the decision for a new boiler.


Thanks to all those who replied with contact names.

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so based on a 40 hr week that would be £124000.00 a year most companies charge around 30-40 an hour and pay 15-20 people may charge 60 quid for a domestic service but they are not busy all day every day, if you can find me a job at £124000.00 what the heck you can have every gun i have and my 4x4, average salary for a good engineer 30-40k commercial 25-30 domestic, installing will pay more IF your good ie combi and 7 fitted in a day otherwise 25 -30 for your average potterer

Rates based on Northern wages and 28 years experience

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